
This website organizes and develops material on problem solving. This follows from more than a decade of developing methods and teaching skills of complex problem solving.

We are at the beginning of a time or rapid climate change.

The climate in 30 years will be different from now. In 100 years, it will be different than in 30, 60, or 90 years.  We can intervene and make a difference in 100 years.  We have little practical  influence over what will happen in 30 years.  The fact that decisions we make today will have more influence in 100 years than in 30 years is one of the many attributes of climate change that causes discord in our thinking. Our climate will change in a way that is directional (warming), unlike what we have experienced, and likely, worse than we expect. It will be disruptive and dangerous.

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Recorded Lectures on Problem Solving

Framing climate change problem solving: May 14, 2020 (University of Michigan Biological Station). View the video by clicking the thumbnail.

Usability of climate science: September 29, 2019 (Colorado State University)

Living on the Climate Change Precipice

We live at a time of rapid climate change, characterized by accumulation of heat at the Earth’s surface. We observe that each of the last four decades is warmer than any in the previous century. For the lifespan of those now alive, it is likely that from one decade to the next, each will be warmer. This is a daunting change, which we have not fully internalized into our behavior and our thinking.  Daunting, but one which we know is coming and, hence, one for which we can prepare. Such science-based knowledge of the future on the span of lifetimes is unprecedented in history.

Read the article, Pulling Back from the Climate Change Precipice