
About Richard Rood

Richard B. (Ricky) Rood is a Professor Emeritus of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Prior to 2005, he held several leadership positions at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Rood is a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, and he holds the World Meteorological Organization's Norbert Gerbier Award. He has been recognized with the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal and NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal.

Uncertainties in Climate Science (Short Course)

Uncertainty Introduction (30:34 Minute Lecture, slides, pdf): Science does not produce facts; it produces knowledge with a description of uncertainty. Knowledge is imperfect for many reasons. This lectures describes and categorizes different sources of uncertainty, and introduces how to use different sources [...]

Controlled Vocabulary for OpenClimate Tumblr

These are the tags used on my OpenClimate Tumblr site.  The goal is to capture news cycles and materials relevant to advising, classes, and research.  Richard B (Ricky) Rood. Multiple tagged searches syntax: https://openclimate.tumblr.com/search/%23Inquisición+%23EPA and https://openclimate.tumblr.com/search/%23sea-level-rise+%23service My most used resources: Job Finding, [...]

By |2021-12-29T19:46:39+00:00July 26th, 2021|Resources, Topical Collection|

3. Resistance to Change

Resistance to change is a natural response. There is a loss of control for both individuals and organizations, which is met by a wide variety of responses. Once it is decided that disruptive change of an organization is needed, it is important [...]

By |2022-02-10T01:59:26+00:00May 12th, 2021|Management, Organizations|
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