There is an enormous amount of observational and forecast data available. I always find it hard to find. Web interfaces are always changing.  Some services let you customize plots.  Others do not. Sometimes I find data, but can’t figure out how to navigate there reliably.

This is my cheat sheet on find observations, forecasts,  and data.

NCEI: Climate Division Data

Climate Data Online


ECMWF (for forecasts)

Charts at ECMWF

Go to the ones below by google search of “temperature anomaly forecast”


Charts at Copernicus

Climate Prediction Center: Official 6 – 10 day outlooks

Climate Prediction Center: Official 8 – 14 day outlooks

North American Ensemble Forecast


GLERL Great Lakes Observations

Great Lakes Water Level Dashboard

Lake Surface Temperature (+ ice cover percent)

Ice Products


Data Analysis for the Formally Able

Calculating the Mean and Standard Deviation with Excel